
BAP Webinar 2

Albanian Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Service of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care "Mother Theresa" UHC of University of Medicine Tirana, and Balkan Anesthesia Platform, organize this webinar on Debates on Sepsis, 7-th of May 2024. Worldwide well-known speakers and interesting topics. JOIN US in the linkThe link


Lives 2024, 37-th ESICM Congress Barcelona

Our annual congress attracts over 5,000 intensive care physicians, anaesthetists, trainees and nursing and allied health professionals from every continent and +100 countries. Such extraordinary diversity makes LIVES the place where you can absorb the latest evidence and advance in patient care through multidisciplinary discussions and talks, interactive courses, demonstrations...


Lives Forum Istambul 2024

This conference aims to present the latest practical concepts on extracorporeal organ support therapies for critically ill patients. Suitable not only for physicians and specialists, this 3-day conference in Istanbul (Turkey) offers nurses and other allied healthcare professionals comprehensive training with both foundational lectures and hands-on workshops designed to enhance care at the bedside.


Euro-Africa Intensive Care 2024

After a successful first edition, the EuroAfrica organising committee is honoured to announce the second edition of our conference in collaboration with the Egyptian Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine (ESCCEM). The conference will host top KOLs from both societies and international collaborations in critical care and emergency medicine. You...