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Prof. Dr. Rudin DOMI, MD, PhD

President of the Society

Dr. Rudin Domi, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana in 1998. After completing a 4-year specialization (1999-2003) in the anesthesia-resuscitation specialty, he started working in the Anesthesia-Resuscitation Service of the Mother Teresa University Hospital Center for care of which he specialized. In 2003-2004, he earned the title of “Master” after completing advanced postgraduate studies (SHPU) at the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine. In 2010, he won the title “Doctor of Medical Sciences”. In 2014, he won the title “Associate Professor” in Anesthesia-Reanimation. In 2019, he won the title of Professor.

Dr. Rudin Domi is an external lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine since 2003, the period 2003-2010 at the chair of Normal Anatomy and after 2010 at the chair of Anesthesia-Reanimation. In 2020 and beyond, he is a full-time lecturer in the subject of Anesthesia-Reanimation at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical University, Tirana. His contribution to the theoretical and practical training of specialist doctors in the Anesthesia-Reanimation Service is well known.

Dr. Dr. Rudin Domi is a member of the editorial boards of several magazines, serving simultaneously as a reviewer. He is a member of the European Association of Anesthesia (ESA) and the Albanian Association of Anesthesia (ASAI), the Albanian Association of Cardiothoracic Anesthetists (AACTA), and the President of the Albanian Association of Intensive Care (ASICM). In 2017, he was elected as a Member of the ESA Council.

The interests and clinical expertise of Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi is focused on transplant anesthesia, intensive therapy, medical anesthesia for adrenal conditions, such as urological oncology, perioperative protection of organs, anesthesia for cardiac patients for non-cardiac women, as well as in intensive therapy in cardiac surgery.

Dr. Asead Abdyli

Consultant of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at American Hospital 3 & Secretary of the ASICM

Dr. Asead Abdyli

Consultant in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care                                          March 2015

University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine

Tirana, Albania
MD     in General Medicine                                                                                 June 2007
University of Marmara, School of Medicine (Education in English)
Istanbul, Turkey
Fellowships and Awards
American Hospital Tirana & Marmara University Istanbul                                2008
One year training in Intensive Care, Hemodialysis and CRRT
American Hospital & University College London Hospital                                  2013

Course on Transesophageal Echocardiography
CEEA Course                                                                                                             2013
Locoregional anesthesia and pain therapy
CEEA Course                                                                                                             2014
Six Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology
CEEA Course                                                                                                             2015
Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Blood, and blood product transfusion
Anesthesiology Course 2016                                                                                      2016
Weil-Cornell University-AAF
Salzburg, Austria
3rd International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress                                           2017
Tirana, Albania

Best poster presentation award

Teaching Experience

American Hospital Tirana, Department of Ongoing Education and Academic Research
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care                                                                2011 – 2018

Publications And Conferences

Lectures and presentations

Mendelson’s Syndrome – A challenge to an Intensivist
First author, Euroanesthesia 2016
London, 28.05 – 30.05. 2016
High thoracic epidural anesthesia as a sole technique in cardiac surgery
Second author, Euroanesthesia 2015
Berlin, 30.05 – 02.06. 2015
Mediastinitis and Necrotizing fasciitis- A challenge to an intensivist
First author, Euroanesthesia 2017
Geneva 03 – 05 June 2017
Hyperbaric O2 in septic shock
Best Poster presentation award
3rd International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress
16 – 17 November 2017
Tirana, Albania

Conference and Congress Posters

Anesthesia in a cardiac patient undergoing a non cardiac surgery – National Anesthesia Conference 2014, Tirana Albania.
Anesthesia in hemodialysis patient – National Anesthesia Conference 2014
Anesthesia and Bechteriew Disease- National Anesthesia Conference 2014
Intraoperative monitoring of patients undergoing cardiac surgery – IMCA 2015
Anesthesia and Sturge Weber syndrome- Case report- IMCA 2016

Professional Affiliations
European Society of Anesthesiology, 2011-Present
Active Membership
Albanian Society of Anesthesiology, 2011-Present
Scientific Committee Member

Professional Service

American Hospital, Tirana – Albania
Anesthesia and Intensive Care           March 2011 – Present
American Hospital, Tirana – Albania
Hemodialysis Doctor             October 2009 – February 2011
Mother Theresa University Hospital, Tirana – Albania
Anesthesia and Intensive Care          March 2011 – March 2015
Salus Hospital, Tirana – Albania
Anesthesia and Intensive Care   December 2013 – March 2014
Medical Park Hospital, Istanbul – Turkey
Emergency room doctor          November 2007 – August 2009


Albanian – Native
English – IELTS 7.5  Academic
Italian – Excellent
Turkish – Excellent

Dr. Gentian Huti

Head of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department, American Hospital 3

Dr. Gentian Huti graduated in 2001 in the Department of General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana. In 2007, he finished his postgraduate specialization in Anesthesia-Resuscitation. He worked at the “Mother Teresa” University Hospital Center and in a series of non-public hospitals. Currently, he is the head of the Anesthesia-Reanimation service at the American Hospital 3. He has been trained and graduated several times abroad, including in courses for ECMO, Percutaneous Tracheostomy, etc. Author and co-author of articles and posters at congresses abroad. His professional interests include anesthesia in cardiac surgery, the use of thoracic epidurals in cardiac surgery, intensive care, renal replacement therapy, the use of antibiotics, etc. He is a member of the national associations and of ESA and ESICM. He is currently the founder and chairman of AACTA.

Dr.Blerim Arapi

Chief of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Hygeia Hospital, American Hospital 1 & 2

Dr.Blerim Arapi

He completed the anesthesia and resuscitation specialization 2004-2009 at QSUT.
Currently, the position of chief of the Anesthesia and Reanimation Service, Hygea Hospital Tirana and Hospital A1 and A2.
He worked as an anesthesiologist at QSUT and then at private hospitals such as American Hospital and Hygea Hospital.
Participant in training courses abroad ECMO PH Paris 2019, Cardiac Anesthesia Training Athens Greece 2010, training and graduation portcate placement Marie Cyri Institute Paris 2018.
Lecturer and head of sections at national and international conferences.
Good knowledge and trained in performing percutaneous tracheostomy procedures, fibrobronchoscopy, transesophageal echo and cannulation of central veins, medlin catheters and arterial catheters through ultrasound guides.
Favorite fields
Cardiac anesthesia, neurosurgery, intensive therapy, CRT, etc.
Member of the National Association of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Member of the European association of anesthesia and intensive therapy ISICEM, member of the Albanian Association of Intensive Care Medicine.

Dr.Artan Jahollari

Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department

He was born in 1980 and completed his primary and secondary education in Tirana. He completed the Faculty of General Medicine in Ankara at the Gulhane Medical Academy, completing his studies in 2005. Then, in the same hospital center, he completed a 6-year specialization in cardio-vascular surgery, graduating in 2011. year he worked as a specialist surgeon in Kosovo and Turkey and since 2017 he has been attached to the staff of the American Hospital3. He is a member of the European and Turkish Association of Cardio-Vascular Surgery and at the same time author and co-author of many international publications. The field of interest includes adult cardiac surgery, endovascular interventions in the aorta, surgery of peripheral arteries and veins, dialysis surgery. The foreign languages he possesses are English, Turkish, Italian.