
Prof. Dr. Rudin DOMI, MD, PhD

Kryetar i Shoqates

Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi, eshte diplomuar ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise, ne Universitetin e Tiranes ne vitin 1998. Pasi kreu specializimin 4 vjecar (1999-2003) ne specialitetin anestezi-reanimacion, filloi pune ne Sherbimin Anestezi-Reanimacion te Qendres Spitalore Universitare “Nene Tereza” per nevojat e se ciles u specializua. Ne vitin 2003-2004 fitoi titullin “Master” pasi kreu studimet e thelluara pasuniversitare (SHPU) prane katedres se Farmakologjise te Fakultetit te Mjekesise. Ne vitin 2010 fitoi titullin “Doktor i Shkencave Mjekesore”. Ne vitin 2014 fitoi titullin “Profesor i Asociuar” ne Anestezi-Reanimacion. Ne 2019 fitoi titullin Profesor.

Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi eshte pedagog i jashtem ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise qe nga viti 2003, periudha 2003-2010 ne katedren e Anatomise Normale dhe mbas 2010 e ne vazhdim prane katedres se Anestezi-Reanimacionit. Ne vitin 2020 e ne vazhdim eshte pedagog me kohe te plote ne lenden e Anestezi-Reanimacionit ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise, Universiteti Mjekesor, Tirane. Eshte i njohur kontributi i tij ne pregatitjen teorike dhe praktike te mjekeve specializanteve te Sherbimit Anestezi-Reanimacion.

Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi eshte autor dhe bashkeautor i 35 artikujve dhe 128 prezantimeve ne revista dhe konferenca mbrenda dhe jashte vendit, i 4 librave botuar ne Shqiperi dhe i nje libri botuar jashte vendit. Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi eshte anetar i bordeve editoriale te disa revistave duke sherbyer njekohesisht edhe si reviewer. Ai eshte anetar i Shoqates Europiane te Anestezise (ESA) dhe i Shoqates Shqiptare te Anestezise (ASAI), Shoqates Shqipetare te Anestezisteve Kardiotorakale (AACTA), dhe President i Shoqates Shqipetare te Kujdesit Intensiv (ASICM). Ne 2017 u zgjodh si Council Member i ESA.

Interesat dhe ekspertiza klinike e Prof. Dr. Rudin Domi eshte e fokusuar ne anestezine e transplantit, terapine intensive, anestezine e kirurgjise se gjendres mbiveshkore, ne kirurgjine madhore onkologjike urologjike, proteksioni perioperator i organeve, anestezia tek pacientet kardiake per kirurgji jokardiake, si edhe ne terapine intensive ne kardiokirurgji.

Dr. Asead Abdyli

Anestezist Reanimator Spitali Amerikan 3 & Sekretar i ASICM

Dr. Asead Abdyli

2001-2007 Universiteti i Marmarasë /Stamboll- Mjekësi e Përgjithshme
2008 – Stamboll/ Trajnim per Hemodialize dhe CRT
2009-2011 Mjek i Hemodializes Spitali Amerikan 1
2011-2015 Specializim per Anestezi-Reanimacion QSUNT
Nga viti 2015 Mjek Anestezist Reanimator prane Spitalit Amerikan

University College London Hospital 2013
Course on Transesophageal Echocardiography

CEEA Course 2013
Locoregional anesthesia and pain therapy

CEEA Course
2014 Six Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology

CEEA Course 2015
Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Blood, and blood product transfusion

Anesthesiology Course 2016 Weil-Cornell University-AAFSalzburg, Austria

Publikime dhe referime:

Mendelson’s Syndrome – A challenge to an Intensivist First author, Euroanesthesia 2016 London

High thoracic epidural anesthesia as a sole technique in cardiac surgery Second author, Euroanesthesia 2015 Berlin

Mediastinitis and Necrotizing fasciitis- A challenge to an intensivist
First author, Euroanesthesia 2017 Geneva 03 – 05 June 2017
Hyperbaric O2 in septic shock Best Poster presentation award 3rd International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress16 – 17 November 2017 Tirana, Albania

Anesthesia in a cardiac patient undergoing a non cardiac surgery – National Anesthesia Conference 2014, Tirana Albania.
Anesthesia in hemodialysis patient – National Anesthesia Conference 2014

Anesthesia and Bechteriew Disease- National Anesthesia Conference 2014

Intraoperative monitoring of patients undergoing cardiac surgery – IMCA 2015

Anesthesia and Sturge Weber syndrome- Case report- IMCA 2016

2018 Bashkethemelues Shoqata Shqiptare e Anestezise Kardiotorakale
2022 Bashkethemelues Shoqata Shqiptare e Kujdesit Intensiv
Qershor 2022 Bronchoscopy Course/ Amsterdam

Dr. Gentian Huti

Shef i Departamentit Anestezi Reanimacion Spitali Amerikan 3

Dr. Gentian Huti diplomohet ne vitin 2001 ne degen Mjekesi e Pergjithshme ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise, Universiteti I Tiranes. Ne vitin 2007 mbaron specializimin pas universitar ne degen Anestezi-Reanimacion. Ka punuar ne Qendren Spitalore Universitare “Nene Tereza” dhe ne nje sere spitalesh jopublike ne vazhdim. Aktualisht eshte shefi sherbimit te Anestezi-Reanimacionit ne Spitalin Amerikan 3. Eshte trajnuar dhe diplomuar jashte shtetit disa here sipsh ne kurset per ECMO, Trakeostomiperkutane etj. Autor dhe bashkeautor ne artikuj dhe postera ne kongrese jashte vendit. Interesat e tij profesionale perfshijne anestezine ne kardiokirurgji, perdorimin e epiduralestorakale ne kardiokirurgji, terapia intensive, terapiazevendesueserenale, perdorimi I antibiotikeve etj. Eshte anetar i shoqatave kombetare dhe te ESA dhe ESICM. Aktualisht eshte themelues dhe kryetari  AACTA.

Dr.Blerim Arapi

Shef i Departamentit te Anestezi Reanimacionit te Spitaleve Hygeia Tirane dhe Spitalit A1 dhe A2

Ka kryer specilizimin anestezi reanimacion 2004-2009 ne QSUT.
Aktualisht pozicioni shefit te Sherbimit anestezi reanimacionit,Spitali Hygea Tirane dhe Spitalit A1 dhe A2.
Ka punuar si mjek anestesit reanimator ne QSUT dhe me pas ne spitalet private si Spitali Amerikan dhe spitali Hygea
Pjesmarres ne kurse trajnimi jashte vendit ECMO PH Paris 2019,Trajnim per Anestezine kardiake Athine Greqi 2010,trajnim dhe diplomim vendosje portcate Insitute Marie Cyri Paris 2018.
Lektor dhe drejtues seksionesh ne konferenca kombetare dhe nderkombetare.
Njoheri te mira dhe trajnuar ne kryerjen e peocedurave te trakeostomise perkutane ,fibrobronkoskopise ,ekos transesofageale dhe kanjulimet e venave centrale ,katetereve medline dhe katetere arterial nepermjet guides ekografike.
Fushat e preferuara
Anestezia kardiake , Neurokirugjia , terapi intensive,CRT etj.
Anetar i shoqates kombetare te anestezise dhe terapise intensive
Anetar i shoqates evropiane te anestezise dhe terapise intensive ISICEM,anetar shoqates kombetare te terapise intesive dhe medicine.

Dr.Artan Jahollari

Shef i departamentit kardiokirurgji dhe kirurgji vaskulare

Ka lindur në vitin 1980 dhe arsimin fillor e të mesëm e ka kryer në Tiranë. Fakultetin e Mjekësisë së Përgjithëshme e ka kryer në Ankara në Akademinë e mjekësisë Gulhane duke i përfunduar studimet në vitin 2005. Më pas në të njëjtën qendër spitalore ka kryer specializimin 6-vjeçar për kirurgji kardio-vaskulare duke u diplomuar në vitin 2011.Prej atij viti ka punuar si kirurg specialist në Kosovë dhe Turqi dhe prej vitit 2017 i është bashkëngjitur stafit të Spitalit Amerikan3. Është anëtar i shoqatës Europiane dhe asaj Turke të Kirurgjisë Kardio-Vaskulare dhe njëkohësisht autor dhe bashkëautor i shumë publikimeve ndërkombëtare. Në fushën e interesit bën pjesë kirurgjia kardiakeadulte, ndërhyrjet endovaskulare në aortë, kirurgjia e arterieve dhe vena veperiferike, kirurgjia e dializës. Gjuhët e huaja qe zotëron janë anglishtja, turqishtja, italishtja.

Dr.Ervin Bejko

Anestezist Reanimator QSUNT

Anestezist-Reanimator ne sherbimin e kardiokirurgjise prane QSUNT.
Pedagog I jashtem ne Fiziologji normale prane FM Tirane.
Lektor I Anestezise ne fakultetin Infermierise prane Universitetit Zoja e Keshillit te Mire.
Sekretar-llogaritar I ASAI -it.
Anetar I Shoqates Europiane te Anestezise.

Dr. Jonida Peci

Anestezist - Reanimator


2016- Anesthesiologist “Villa Maria” Hospital – Tirana, ALBANIA
2015-2016 – Anesthesiologist – “International Eye Clinic” – Tirana, ALBANIA
2015 – Anesthesiology coordinator – “Hygeia Hospital Tirana” – Tirana, ALBANIA
2012-2015 – Anesthesiologist – “Hygeia Hospital Tirana” – Tirana, ALBANIA
2011-2012 – Anesthesiologist (part time) – “American Hospital 2”– Tirana, ALBANIA
2009-2011 – Anesthesiologist “Ikeda Clinic” – Tirana, ALBANIA
2008-2012 – Resident Anaesthesiology & Reanimation, “Mother Theresa” Universitary Hospital Center
2005-2007 – General Physician, ISHP – Lezhë, ALBANIA


2014 – Refresher courses in Anaesthesiology The Committee for the European Education in Anaesthesiology
2013 – Refresher courses in Anaesthesiology The Committee for the European Education in Anaesthesiology
2012 – Graduated “Anaesthesiologist” Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana “Mother Theresa” Universitary Hospital Center; Public University of Tirana – ALBANIA
2008 – 2012 Residency in Anaesthesiology & Reanimation “Mother Theresa” Universitary Hospital Center; Public University of Tirana – ALBANIA
2008 – “Astma, an worldwide problem that should not be underestimated”. Training course by DSHP – Lezhë, Albania
2007 – “Pre Pregnancy care may improve glycemic control in early, but not late pregnancy”. CME. Medscape.
2007 – Training course on Family Medicine. ABC Health Foundation
2006 – Training course on Family Medicine. USAID
2005 – Graduated “General Physician” Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana – ALBANIA
1999-2005 – Student of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Public University of Tirana – ALBANIA


2015 – 10th Albanian Congress on Obstetrics & Gynaecology Albanian Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
2015 – Balkan States Anesthesia Days II – Current topics in Anesthesia & Intensive Care Anesthesia & Reanimation Specialists Society (ARUD) & Albanian Society of Anesthesists and inensivists (ASAI)
2014 – XIII National Conference Of Anaesthesiology & Reanimation Albanian Society Of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care
2014 – Balkan States Anesthesia Days II – Current topics in Anesthesia & Intensive Care Anesthesia & Reanimation Specialists Society (ARUD) & Ministry of Health of Republic of Kosovo
2014 – 10th National Conference on Pain

Tirana University of Medicine & Albanian Pain Association

2014 – 5th International Meeting “Laparoscopic Surgery for Deep Infiltrating endometriosis

“Mitera” Hospital, Athens – Greece.

2013 – XXI National Conference of Surgery
2012 – International Conference Of Anesthesiology & Intensive Care. Pristina, Kosovo
2011 – XI ASAI National Conference. Tirana, ALBANIA Albanian Society of Anesthesists and inensivists (ASAI)
2010 – “The mechanisms underlied behind the phantom limb pain” International symposion. Tirana, ALBANIA
2010 – 10th ASAI National Conference. Tirana, ALBANIA Albanian Society of Anesthesists and inensivists (ASAI)
2009 – The 17th Medical-Surgical Conference, Tirana, ALBANIA
2008 – Albanian Anesthesiology Simposium
2008 – The 16th Medical-Surgical Conference, Tirana, ALBANIA
2007 – The 15th Medical-Surgical Conference, Tirana, ALBANIA
2007 – 1st International symposium in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Tirana, ALBANIA
2003 – Workshop: The treatment of cronic pain. Tirana, ALBANIA


2010 – “Reinforced laryngeal mask” (coauthor). 10th Albanian Society of Anesthesists and inensivists (ASAI) National Conference. Tirana, ALBANIA
2009 – Toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland & Wolff-Parkinson – White syndrome. (coauthor). Hypocrates medical review


European Society of Anaesthesia
Albanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care


– General surgery
– Orthopedic surgery
– Neurosurgeries
– Maternity
– ENT surgery
– Cardiac surgery
– Plastic surgery
– Urology surgery
– Eye surgery


Dr. Edmond PUCA

Mjek Infeksionist

June 2008 till now
September Present

Mjek prane Sherbimit te Semundjeve Infektive QSU Tirane I am working at the Service of Infectious Diseases
Qe nga viti 2010 konsulent per semundjet infective prane Spitalit Amerikan


Maj 2004-Maj 2008


Mbrojtje e doktoratures me temen rreth sepsis prane Sherbimit te Semundjeve Infektive, QSU, Tirane
Specializim per Semundjet Infektive


Publikime nderkombetare etc

1.       Puca E, et al. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Complicated by Orchitis. Virologica Sinica 2011, 26(4) 285-288 DOI:   10.1007/s12250-011-3182-0. PubMed


2.       E Puca, et al. Sepsis: History and definition. Medicus 2011, Vol. XVI (2): 260-266.

3.       A Pilaca, Z Delia, A Pepa, E Puca, Dh Kraja. Vertical transmission of the Visceral Leishmaniasis: A case report. Journal of US-China Medical Science. Oct 2011, Vol 8, No 10 (Serial No. 83), pp 642-645.

4.       Pilaca A, Beqiri ANdreu APuca E, Pepa AElezi F. Factors affecting the prognosis of Albanian adult patients with generalized tetanus. G Chir. 2012 Apr; 33(4):105-9.

5.       E Puca, et al.  Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Associated with Acute Pancreatitis. Virologica Sinica 2012, 27(3) 214-217 DOI: 10.1007/s12250-012-3231-3  ISSN: 1674-0769 CN: 42-1760/Q. PubMed

6.       E Puca. Sepsis, this Hard, Difficult and Serious Syndrome. Clinical Microbiology: Open Access. Editorial, Clin Microbial 2013, 2:1 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/cmo.1000e105

7.       E Laho, E Puca. Acute myocardial infarction in a child due to spider bite. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2014.  2014; 4 (2): 69-71JMID doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.02.2014.02.0130

8.       E Puca, et al. A short review of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and its extra renal complications. J of Micro and Inf Dis. Special issue 1. 54-58;2014 (1).

9.       E Puca. Urinary Tract Infection in Adults. Clin Microbiol 2014, 3:6

9.doi: 10.4172/2327-5073.1000e120

10.   B Xhani, E Puca. Stigma and HIV/AIDS in Low and Middle Income Country. J AIDS Clin Res 5:e116. doi: 10.4172/2155-6113.1000e116

11.   E Puca. Ebola Disease and Health Care Workers Heroism. Trop Med Surg 2014, 2:4 doi: 10.4172/2329-9088.1000e124

12.   E Puca, et al. Evaluation of Procalcitonin in Adult Patients with Fever. International. Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014:2421-2425 Paper ID: SUB141001

13.   E Muco, ….. E Puca et al. Latent and Reactivated Toxoplasma Gondii Infection in HIV-Infected Patients in Albania. International. Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Volume 4 Issue 3, Mars 2015:345-348 Paper ID: SUB151929

14.   E Puca. Is the World Prepared for the New Immigration Wave? Puca, Clin Microbiol 2015, 4:6 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2327-5073.1000e131

15.   E Muco, …..E Puca, et al. Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome and toxoplasmic encephalitis in HIH-patients. International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 2, Issue, 04, pp. 584-588, April, 2015.

16.   E Puca et al. Sphingomonas paucimobilis from Blood Stream Infection to Spondylodiscitis. Clin Microbiol 2015, 4:3 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2327-5073.1000203

17.   E Puca et al. Pericarditis as a Rare Complication of Severe Leptospirosis. Trop Med Surg 2015, 3:3 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2329-9088.1000193

  1. Emine Qehaja Buçaj,  Edmond  Puca, Sadie Namani, Muharem Bajrami, Valbon Krasniqi, Lindita Ajazaj Berisha,  Xhevat Jakupi,  Bahrie Halili, Dhimiter Kraja.  Brucellosis in Kosovo and Clinical Features of Brucellosis at University clinical center of Kosovo. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2015; 5 (4): 147-150
  2. E Puca et al. Ocular and cutaneous manifestation of leptospirosis acquired in Albania: A retrospective analysis with implications for travel medicine. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease · February 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2015.11.011

20.   E Puca et al. Acute encephalitis as initial presentation of leptospirosis. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2017 Apr 30;11(4):361-363. doi: 10.3855/jidc.8613.

21.   N Jonida, Puca E et al. Indicators of social support in patients with multiple sclerosis in AlbaniaEuropean journal of biomedical and life sciences. 2017.

22.   E Puca. Sepsis, an Old Problem for Clinicians. Clin Microbiol 6:e138. doi: 10.4172/2327-5073.1000e138

23.   E Rista,….. E Puca et al. Leptospirosis, Focus on Related Acute Kidney Injury among Albania Patients. Vol. 4, Issue 2, October 2016 – March 2017

24.   Rista E, ….. Puca E at al. ,Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Albania. Focus on predictors of acute kidney injury in HFRS. J Clin Virol. 2017 Jun;91:25-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2017.03.021. Epub 2017 Mar 31.

25.   E Duka, E Puca et al. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients from Diabetes Mellitus. Vol. 5, Issue 1, April 2017 – September 2017

26.   M Turktana….., E Puca, Jordi Rellon. Community acquired infections among refugees leading to Intensive Care Unit admissions in Turkey. Int J Infect Dis. 2017 May;58:111-114. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2017.02.022. Epub 2017 Apr 15.

27.   E Puca et al. Ocular Parasitic Infections (book chapter) http://www.smgebooks.com/ocular-diseases/chapters/OD-17-03.pdf. ISBN: 978-1-944685-17-1

28.   Sonila Bitri Tivari,  Esmeralda Thoma, Entela Puca, Eugjen Sotiri, Edmond Puca. What are the factors affecting GGT elevation in patients with severe alcohol use disorders in Albanian population?  J Liver Res Disord Ther. 2017;3(5):123-126. DOI: 10.15406/jlrdt.2017.03.00069

29.   E Puca et al. Is leptospirosis a disease that attack males more than females? Appli Micro Open Access 2017, 3:2(Suppl) DOI: 10.4172/2471-9315-C1-006

30.   E Qyra, E Puca et al. Hemorrhagic fevers with renal syndrome presenting with pregnancy interruption. Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2017; 7 (4):198-201 doi: 10.5799/jmid.369267

31.   E Puca et al. Pancreatitis in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 11 (11):900-903.

32.   Hakan Leblebicioglu…….E Puca et al. Availability of hepatitis C diagnostics and therapeutics in European and Eurasia countries. Antiviral. Research Volume 150, February 2018, Pages 9-14

33.   E Puca et al. Acute Encephalitis; A Short Review and Problems in Daily Practice for Clinicians. Encephalitis. ISBN:978-1-944685-15-7

34.   E Puca et al. The role of gender in human leptospirosis. J Infect Dev Ctries 2018; 12(3):150-155. doi:10.3855/jidc.9805

35.   E Puca et al. Two cases of imported hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and systematic review of literature. Travel Medicine and Infection Diseases. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmaid.2018.07.010

36.   H Erdem, E Puca, et al. Portraying infective endocarditis: results of multinational ID-IRI study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10096-019-03607-x

37.   Edmond Puca; Entela Puca; et al. The Role of Procalcitonine in Septic Patients. Chapter in sepsis book. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4cc7/892b060febc2c936d4beb638cbcbd488adb4.pdf

38.   Ermira Muço, ………., Edmond Puca, Dhimitër Kraja. Infective Endocarditis Related to Intravenous Drug User: Report of Four Cases. The Open Infectious Diseases Journal, 2018, Volume 10. DOI: 10.2174/1874279301810010001

39.   Sonila Tivari Bitri, Entela Puca, Eugjen Sotiri, Esmeralda Thoma, Edmond Puca. Liver toxicity of Naltrexone. a case study and review of literature. J Liver Res Disord Ther. 2018;4(1): 53-55. DOI: 10.15406/jlrdt.2018.04.00098.

40.   Tosun SBatirel AOluk AIAksoy FPuca E, Bénézit FUral SNayman-Alpat SYamazhan TKoksaldi-Motor VTekin RParlak ETattevin PKart-Yasar KGuner RBastug AMeric-Koc MOncu SSagmak-Tartar ADenk APehlivanoglu FSengoz GSørensen SMCelebi GBaštáková LGedik HDirgen-Caylak SEsmaoglu AErol SCag YKaragoz EInan AErdem H. Tetanus in adults: results of the multicenter ID-IRI study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017 Aug;36(8):1455-1462. doi: 10.1007/s10096-017-2954-3. Epub 2017 Mar 28.

41.   Diktas H, Uysal S, Erdem H, Cag Y, Miftode E, Durmus G, Ulu-Kilic A, Alabay S, Szabo BG, Lakatos B, Fernandez R, Korkmaz P0, Caliz MC, Argemi X, Kulzhanova S, Kormaz F, Yilmaz-Karadag F, Ergen P, Atilla A, Puca E, et al. A novel id-iri score: development and internal validation of the multivariable community acquired sepsis clinical risk prediction model. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2019 Dec 10. doi: 10.1007/s10096-019-03781-y.

42.   Erdem H, Puca E, Ruch Y et al. Portraying infective endocarditis: Results of multinational ID-IRI study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.2019;38(9):1753-1763

43.   Puca E, et al. A case with high bilirubinemia and hemolytic anemia during leptospirosis and a short review of similar cases. Caspian J Intern Med. 2020 Fall;11(4):441-445. doi: 10.22088/cjim.11.4.441. PMID: 33680388; PMCID: PMC7911769.

44.   Petrit Hoxha, ……, Edmond Puca. Precocious Puberty as a Result of Congenital Hypothyroidism. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2020 – 7(1). AJBSR. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.07.001114.

45.   Ermira Muco, A Hasa, A Rroji, A Kushi, Edmond Puca, Dhimiter Kraja. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Patient with Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases Volume 2020, Article ID 1017689, 5 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1017689.

  1. Puca E, Čivljak R, Arapović J, Popescu C, Christova I, Raka L, Cana F, Miranović V, Karageorgopoulos D, Baš D, Paglietti B, Barać A. Short epidemiological overview of the current situation on COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast European (SEE) countries. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2020 May 31;14(5):433-437. doi: 10.3855/jidc.12814. PMID: 32525826.
  2. Puca E, Puca E, Pipero P, Kraja H, Como N. Severe hypocalcaemia in a COVID-19 female patient. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep. 2021 Jan 27;2021:20-0097. doi: 10.1530/EDM-20-0097. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33522493; PMCID: PMC7849476.
  3. Malerba M, Ragnoli B, Puca E, Pipero P. Supporting healthcare workers on front lines of the Covid-19 fight. Acta Biomed. 2020 Nov. 10 ;91(4):e2020157
  4. Edmond Puca, Entela Puca, at al.  (2021). COVID-19 in a Patient Newly Diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. SOJ Microbiol Infect Dis 8(1):1-4.
  5. Saydam FN, Erdem H, ………., Puca E et al. Vector-borne and zoonotic infections and their relationships with regional and socioeconomic statuses: An ID-IRI survey in 24 countries of Europe, Africa and Asia. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2021 Nov-Dec;44:102174. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.102174. Epub 2021 Oct 23. PMID: 34699956.
  6. Puca E, Puca E. Premature Ovarian Failure Related to SARS-CoV-2 Infection. J Med Cases. 2022 Apr;13(4):155-158. doi: 10.14740/jmc3791.
  7. Mediu R, Rama A, Puca E (2022) Evaluation of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and immune response in patients vaccinated with Pfizer-Biontech vaccine. J Infect Dev Ctries 16:745-751. doi: 10.3855/jidc.16310
  8. Petri O, Abazaj E, Daka A, Huti G, Puca E, Brati B. The Epidemiological Situation and Clinical Characteristic Aspect Cause by COVID-19 in Suspected Cases in Albania. Open Access Maced J Med Sci ;10(B):1062-7. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/8824
  9. Rista E, Puca E, et al. Acute kidney injury in leptospirosis: A country-level report. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2022 Jun 2;49:102359. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2022.102359. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35660008.
  10. Puca E, Shapo L. For how long can monkeypox reach the Balkan region? Travel Med Infect Dis. 2022 Jun 11;49:102382. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2022.102382.


Prezantime nderkombetare 2012

1.       Puca E, et al.   20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Vienna/Austria, 10-13 Aprile 2010. Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) Volume 16, supplement no.2, page S 398.¹(P)


2.       E Puca et al. Leptospirosis as a rural illness in Albania. 3RD International Congress on rural health (ICRH-3) in Mediterranean and Balkan countries, Tirana, Albania 22-25 September 2010.¹(OP)

3.       E Puca et al. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome from Dobrave virus a threatening illness for rural health. 3RD International Congress on rural health (ICRH-3) in Mediterranean and Balkan countries, Tirana, Albania 22-25 September 2010.¹(OP)

4.       E Puca et al. Use of procalcitonin for the first time in Albania as a marker of systemic infection. 18th Meeting of Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 22-25 September 2010, Tirana, Albania Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory, XVII,10,1. p141. ¹(P).

5.       E. Puca, et al. Trendy of leptospirosis in Albania. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance 2011. Vienna, Austria. February 4–7, 2011. ¹(P)

6.       E. Puca, et al. Serological confirmation is decisive for the diagnoses of Dobrava virus infection. Case report. International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance 2011 Vienna, Austria. February 4–7, 2011.

7.       E Puca, et al. Serum procalcitonin measurement as a marker of sepsis. 13th European Congress of Endocrinology. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 30 April – 04 May 2011.

8.       E Puca, et al. The value of inflammatory test in sepsis. IFCC, WorldLab, EuroMedLab Berlin 2011; 49, Special Supp, pp S1-S874, May 2011. (P)

9.       E. Puca, et al. Pulmonary manifestations of leptospirosis. Int J of Inf Dis. June 2012 V16;suppl 1,pe459459. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2012.05.660

10.   E. Puca, et al. Leptospirosis as a multiorgan dysfunction disease. International Scientific Excanche Abstract. 15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases. Bangkok, Thailand. June 13 ~ 16, 2012.(P)¹

11.   E Puca, et al. An overview of the sepsis situation in the Department of Infection Diseases, University Hospital Center, Tirana. Critical Care 2012, 16(Suppl 3):P114.  doi:  10.1186/cc11801

12.   E Puca, et al. Is visceral leishmaniasis a sepsis or not? Critical Care 2012, 16(Suppl 3):P115 doi:  10.1186/cc11802

13.   E Puca, et al. Evaluation of procalcitonin in patients with sepsis in Albanian adults. Critical Care 2012, 16(Suppl 3):P114. doi:  10.1186/cc11803

14.   E Puca. Therapeutic challenges of complicated urinary tract infections and urosepsis. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p 90-92.

15.   E Puca et al. Sepsis after endovesical installation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p189.(P)

16.   E Puca et al. Clinical and laboratorical presentation of leptospirosis in Albania. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p205.(P)

17.   E Puca et al. Some data about urosepsis. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p214.(P)¹

18.   E Puca et al. Alteration of blood glucose in patients with sepsis. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p214.(P)¹

19.   E Puca et al. Albanian experience on evaluation of PCT in patients with sepsis. Abstract book of 5th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Tirana, Albania, 15-18 May 2012. p314.(OP)¹

20.   E Puca, et al. The superiority of procalcitonin versus C-reactive protein in sepsis diagnosis. Abstract (Eposter session) Biomarkers. ECCMID 2014, Barcelona, Spain(eP¹

21.   E Puca. Therapeutic challenges of urinary tract infections. The 6th Eurasia Congress of Infectious Diseases, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-27 September 2014 p96-98 (OP).

22.    Puca E et al. sepsis in immunocompromised patients in the service of infectious diseases. 2nd International medical congress in Albania. September 15-19, 2016, Tirane, Albania.

23.   Puca E, Daka A, Puca E. New innovation on sepsis diagnosis. 3nd International medical congress in Albania. November 16-18, 2017. Tirane, Albania

24.   E Puca et al. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Albania, during last five years. 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). Vienna, Austria 9-12 April 2017.

25.  E Puca et alCould high level of procalcitonin differentiate sepsis from Gram-negative, Gram-positive and fungal pathogen? 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). Vienna, Austria 9-12 April 2017.

26.   E Puca et al. Some dates about leptospirosis in Albania and the role of gender predisposition in leptospirosis. 3rd International Conference on Influenza and Zoonotic Diseases. August 21-22, 2017 Birmingham, UK.

27.   E Puca et al. New innovation on sepsis diagnosis. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress, Tirana, Albania. 16-18 November 2017.

28.   E Puca et al. Sepsis in immunocompromised patients. International Conference on Internal Medicine and Patient Care & 6th Edition of International Conference on Pain Management March 26-28, 2018 Vienna, Austria. Int J Anesth Pain Med 2018, Volume 4 DOI: 10.21767/2471-982X-C1-003.

29.   E Puca et al. Viral hepatitis during pregnancy. The 21st ESCV 23-26 September 2018 at Athens, Greece.

30.   E Puca et al. Two cases of imported hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome The 21st ESCV 23-26 September 2018 at Athens, Greece.

31.   E Puca. Approach to the patient with fever of unknown origin. 4th International Medical Multidisciplinary Congress. 15-17th November 2018, Tirana, Albania.

32.   E Puca et al. Measles, an old infectious disease in new era. 29th ECCMID Amsterdam, Netherlands 2019.

33.   Edmond Puca at al. an panoramic view of clinical presentation of leptospirosis in Albania. 7 international conference on internal Medicine and Patient crae. March 26-28, 2018. Vienna, Austria.

34.   E Puca et al. is leptospirosis a disease that attack males more than females? 12 interantional Congress on Micrbial Interaction and Applications of beneficial Microbes. July 17-18, 2017 Munich, Germany.

35.   E Puca. Hemorrhagic fever. BUHASDER congress. 16-20 October 2019, Izmir, Turkye